When working in sheet metal, you can set the k-factor for the entire model. However when bending a terminal contact, thinning (elongation) occurs. Can the k-factor be set in a varying factor?
Tim Bolt, Xdin
Continue reading Adjusting Sheet Metal Bend K-Factor By Bend →
During “Sheet Metal Conversion”, relations are added. How do I make the default bend radius = T x 1.5?
Jim Kuhlman, VT Hackney
Continue reading Sheet Metal Conversion Default Bend Radius →
In sheet metal mode when is it best to use flat walls vs. extruded walls?
Chris Brown, RockTenn
Continue reading Sheet Metal Walls →
Will Flex Modeling be incorporated into sheet metal parts?
Trent Villian, RockTenn
Answered by: Jack Sullivan (PTC)
- There is a Product Idea concerning this on the PTC Community page. If this is piece of functionality that you would like to see, please add your vote to this idea.
- There is also a Tech Support call that deals with this. According to the call, the plan is to add this capability in Creo 4.0.
When will auto-round be incorporated into the sheet metal mode?
Dustin Strickland, RockTenn
Answered by: Jack Sullivan (PTC)
There aren’t any Product Ideas in the PTC Community for this functionality. PTC Product Management uses the Product Idea list as one method to prioritize enhancements. I would recommend creating a Product Idea for this enhancement so that other customers can vote on it.
How do I convert a block to a 5-sided sheet metal box with a bottom, 4 sides, and a flanged top with the “convert to sheet metal” tool?
Shane Price, Preformed Line Products
Continue reading Convert Solid to Sheetmetal →
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