Category Archives: Sheetmetal

Flexible Modeling for Sheetmetal?


Will Flex Modeling be incorporated into sheet metal parts?

Trent Villian, RockTenn

Answered by: Jack Sullivan (PTC)

  1. There is a Product Idea concerning this on the PTC Community page.  If this is piece of functionality that you would like to see, please add your vote to this idea.
  2. There is also a Tech Support call that deals with this.  According to the call, the plan is to add this capability in Creo 4.0.


Auto-Rounds for Sheetmetal Mode?


When will auto-round be incorporated into the sheet metal mode?

Dustin Strickland, RockTenn

Answered by: Jack Sullivan (PTC)

There aren’t any Product Ideas in the PTC Community for this functionality.  PTC Product Management uses the Product Idea list as one method to prioritize enhancements.  I would recommend creating a Product Idea for this enhancement so that other customers can vote on it.
