Category Archives: Creo Parametric

How Do You Stop Model Tree “Creeping”?


In Creo 2.0, how do you stop the screen and the assembly/model tree from  “creeping” out of  view when doing multiple replacement editing?

Joel Sanders, Flowserve Corp.

Answered by: Zack Lyon

Joel, I am pretty sure that you can “pin” your menu. Get CREO 7?

Mine doesn’t do that. Creeping could be related to something like a Mouseball that is not “Zero” ed out. My 3DConnexion device will do that though.

If you are using a 3D mouse, unplug, reset and retry.


Benefits/drawbacks to creating & using start parts


Can you explain some of the benefits (and drawbacks if any) to creating and using “start parts”?

(please provide some examples of what a good “start part” should entail)

Bill Phillips, Carrier

Answered by:

Bill, you know this answer.. I expect you to EMBELLISH after I botch it.

Simply, a Start part should have your company unit settings, accuracy settings, layer settings, parameters that are important. Part Start parts will have different parameters than a SheetMetal start part.

The same can be said for all of your Assembly Start Parts.

Consultants who work with different customers said customers might have standards and templates that they need if you are passing data back to them. It is important to keep these in the respective customer start directories so that you don’t get messed up. Be careful! File your data and templates in a repeatable logical location so that your actions do not overlap with other customers’ standards.

As far as Drawbacks? If you pick the wrong start part, well, I don’t think you can slip the table cloth back under once you have this base settings established/baked into the base parts. ** Don’t pick the wrong start parts!**


What license modules include Creo Illustrate?


What license modules include Creo Illustrate?

Dave Engvall, Stanley

Answered by:

I am pretty sure this is a stand alone license. I know, when I used it at TE, I had to ping a different license server to access it. Strange and we have very capable, advanced assembly licenses. Still this one, was a stand alone and I did not like that either Dave!


Any initiative to make MBD compatible with step files? What is best application for conveying MDB model to vendors?


Is there any initiative to make MBD completely compatible with step files? If not step files, what application would be best for conveying your MDB model to vendors?

Larry Stiver, Tecan

Answered by:

Larry, I think that using combined model states and add annotations accordingly. Good luck changing anything!


Saving Image Files for All Parts in an Assembly

This information was presented by Mark Bohannon at the Fall 2018 Pro/Users of the Carolinas conference at TE Connectivity on November 29, 2018.

Have you ever wanted to save JPEG thumbnail images for all files in an assembly?  By adding three lines to your file, you can easily accomplish this. The lines to add are: Continue reading Saving Image Files for All Parts in an Assembly


Model Check Presentation?

Question (posted with Registration):

When will you present a presentation on Model Check?

Larry Stiver, Tecan

Answered by: Gavin Rumble, Technical Director

Larry, we had fun with this question, if even at your expense. 🙂  I hope you had fun too.  The answer is, when ever a User from within our ranks has implemented Model Check and volunteers to share with the group what they have learned.  We hope that you will consider doing so.
