Saving Image Files for All Parts in an Assembly

This information was presented by Mark Bohannon at the Fall 2018 Pro/Users of the Carolinas conference at TE Connectivity on November 29, 2018.

Have you ever wanted to save JPEG thumbnail images for all files in an assembly?  By adding three lines to your file, you can easily accomplish this. The lines to add are: Continue reading Saving Image Files for All Parts in an Assembly


Model Check Presentation?

Question (posted with Registration):

When will you present a presentation on Model Check?

Larry Stiver, Tecan

Answered by: Gavin Rumble, Technical Director

Larry, we had fun with this question, if even at your expense. 🙂  I hope you had fun too.  The answer is, when ever a User from within our ranks has implemented Model Check and volunteers to share with the group what they have learned.  We hope that you will consider doing so.


Multiple Startup Configurations

Question (posted with Registration):

Is there a simple way to start 1 of x configurations that set different startup options?  Example: 1 configuration would set appropriate for a specific working folder and setting for sheet metal. Another configuration would set a different working folder and options appropriate for plastic models?

Kelly Carter, Elk Products

Answered by: Gavin Rumble, Technical Director

Yes, multiple desktop icons (shortcuts) can be created, each pointing at a different startup directory, each with a different file.   Call me if you need any help with this.


What are Users saying about MBD?

Question (posted with Registration):

What are other users experiences with MBD? What are pros and cons? What was the business application? How are stakeholder requirements different, and how are they determined? What metrics were used for evaluating implementation effectiveness? What training was needed? Who needs training? What resources need to be budgeted? What order of magnitude does it cost per user or employee?

Marc Von Amsberg, Preformed Line Products

Answered by: Gavin Rumble, Technical Director

Marc, thank you your question.  Please see the presentation posted by Leo Greene for the Spring 2018 (Flywheel) event.  Many of your specific questions would make great content for a future presentation…will you be able to share them with the group after you have worked with MBD for a while?



Arranging part (Sketcher) dimensions on the drawing

Question (posted with Registration):

Currently when I arrange dimensions in the part sketch and bring them into the drawing, they show up on top of each other. Is there a way you can arrange dimension within the part sketch and when you bring them into your drawing they are already in almost perfect spot?

Siim Eiland, Flowserve Corporation

Answered by: Gavin Rumble, Solid Engineering

Clearly, arranging dimensions on a drawing is very time consuming, and we could release drawings faster if we didn’t have to do this.  However, Dim placement is part codes & standards, part art (yes, engineers and designers should take some pride in what their drawings look like), part local preferences, and always part engineering (yes Ethel, drawing dimensions can convey different information depending on how they are arranged).  Therefore, we do not really want some software algorithm arranging our dimensions.  In addition, to your point…can sketch dimension locations assist with this?  Not really, many sketched features are displayed on the drawing from a different orientation than the original sketch plane.  That said, yes…please do organize your sketcher dimensions so that they are easy to look at and decipher.  You’ll be doing yourself and your co-workers a big favor.  For example…which one of these would you rather be faced with updating?  The one on the left, or on the right?


CFD Simulation – What is best?


What CFD (computational fluid dynamics) Packages are preferred or work best with Creo 4.0 models & assemblies?

Brent Price (Gilbarco)

Answered by: Kayle B. Brock, Engineering Manager (Carrier Corp)

The answer to this question will be widely varied depending on who provides it.  Carrier uses Fluent (ANSYS) for CFD projects here in Charlotte.   The process is; first the CREO models are translated to a STEP file, then meshed with Hypermesh, then loaded into Fluent.


Training for Pro|Cable


Are there any Pro/User Training programs that pertain specifically to Pro Cable/routing/electrical side available for registration? If not, would members of the Pro/Users of the Carolinas Board consider offering one in the future?

Malissa Lake (Thomas Built Bus)

Answered by: Kayle B. Brock, Engineering Manager (Carrier Corp)

Hi Malissa, PTC offers Precision LMS.

I know LMS has CREO Routed Systems Design training modules.   I hope this helps.


Empowering PTC Advanced Knowledge